Pacific species

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  • Pacific species

    Blue mackerel / English mackerel – (Scomber australasicus)

    Brief description

    Blue mackerel or English mackerel (Scomber australasicus) is referred to Scombrididae family. Until the mid-1980’s it was considered as a sub-species of Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus) and it was not differentiated into a separate species.  Blue mackerel is larger than the Atlantic relatives, and its average commercial catch size accounts for more than 800 g. Blue mackerel is a low-fat fish, with fat content varying from 2-3% in November to 8,5-9% in June. Blue mackerel is considered an important commercial species in New Zealand and Australia.

    Product form

    Blockfrozen at sea, whole round – packed in cartons 2×11 kg

    Blockfrozen at sea, headed, gutted, tail on / off – packed in cartons 2×11 kg

    Size grading

    HG, blocks in carton – 300-600 / 600-900 / 900-1200 grams
    WR, blocks in carton –300-600 / 600-900 / 900-1200 grams

  • Pacific species

    Chum salmon (Onchorhynchus keta)

    Product form

    WR/HG, IQF, 22 kg master boxes or 500 kg totes.
    Fillets, IQF, skin on or skin off, 25 kg master boxes

    Size grading

    HG, WR 2-4 / 4-6 / 6+ kg
    Fillets 500-1000 / 1000-15000 gr

  • Pacific species

    Oilfish (Escolar) (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum)

    Brief description

    Oilfish (Escolar) (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum) is a species of fish referred to family Gempylidae and is found deep (200-880 m) in tropical and temperate waters around the world. It is also known as snake mackerel and white tuna. Escolar is a large fish with average weight of 20-30 kg. It is widely used for smoking and sashimi, despite of health problems that may occur if consumpted in large portions. Thus it is highly recommended to consume Escolar in limited (max 6 oz) quantities as it may caus kerriorhea (Greek: flow of wax) if eaten too much.

    Product form

    HGT (rough skin, smooth skin), IQF, 5-10% glaze, packed in 30 kg master cartons
    Fillets (rough skin, smooth skin), (PBO) boneless, IQF, 5-20% glaze, IWP (individually poly-wrapped), packed in 30 kg master cartons
    Steaks – skin on, boneless, packing in 10 kg master cartons
    Steaks – skinless, boneless, packing 2 pcs (IVP) in a vacuum, 10 kg master cartons

    Size grading

    HGT – 2-4 kg / 4-6 kg / 6-8 kg / 8-10 / 10+ kg
    Fillets – 2-4 kg / 4-6 kg / 6-8 kg / 8+ kg
    Steaks – 2,5 cm

  • Pacific species

    Pacific hake (Merluccius productus)

    Brief description

    Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) is one of the family members of the codfish family genus Merluccidae. In contrast to related species such as pollock and cod, it has two dorsal and one anal fin. It is found in the northeast Pacific Ocean and is most common in the Pacific waters of California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.

    Types of products

    IQF (Individually Quick Frozen), HG (headed, gutted), HGT (headed, gutted, tail off), interleaved, or blockfrozen, packed in 10, 15, 20 kg cardboard boxes

    Blockfrozen, HG (headed gutted), HGT (headed, gutted, tail-off) packed in 10, 15, 20 kg cardboard boxes

    Size grading

    IQF, HG or HGT, IQF – 100-200, 150-300, 200-400, 300-500, 500+ grams

    Blockfrozen, HG or HGT, laid -100-200, 150-300, 200-400, 300-500, 500+ grams

  • Pacific species

    Pink salmon (Onchorhynchus gorbuscha)

    Product form

    WR, HG, IQF, blocks 10/22 kg, master boxes or 500 kg totes.
    Fillets, IQF, skin on or skin off, 10/22 kg, master boxes or 500 kg totes

    Size grading

    WR, HG, IQF – 900-1350 / 1350+ gr
    Fillets, IQF 250-300 / 300-400 / 400-500 gr

  • Pacific species

    Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis)

    Brief description

    Southern blue whiting or Polaca (Micromesistius australis) is a bottom-pelagic fish living in temperate and sub-Antarctic waters of the southern hemisphere. In contrast to its Atlantic counterpart (Northern Blue Whiting), it is a valuable table fish. It has a minimum percentage of fat and a dense meat structure. Commercial fishing is almost absent in Argentina and the Falkland Islands, with few exceptions for by-catch. In New Zealand, the season lasts about a month and usually comprises about 50% of the permitted quota. Southern Blue Whiting stock is MSC certified.

    Product form

    Blockfrozen at sea, headed, gutted, tail on – packed in cartons 2×11, 2×10 kg, 3×7 kg

    Blockfrozen at sea, whole round – packed in cartons 2×11

    Size grading

    HG, blocks in cartons – 60-130 / 100-200 / 200-300 / 300-500 grams
    WR, blocks in cartons – 100-300 / 300-600 / 600-900 / 900-1200 grams

  • Pacific species

    Southern mackerel / Gemfish (Rexea solandri)

    Brief description

    South Mackerel or Gemfish (Rexea solandri) – belongs to the Gempilidae family, and is a relative of Oilfish and Barracuda. The body is elongated, snake-like, and the meat has a delicate structure complemented by a small number of bones. Commercial catch size starts from 1 kg and above. Ideal for smoking. It is considered as a by-catch fishing species for Australia and New Zealand.

    Types of products

    Blockfrozen, HG (headed, gutted), packing 2×10 and 2×11 kg blocks in carton

    Grading by size

    HG — 600-800 /  800-1200 / 1200-1500 / 1500+ grams